



Many construction companies encounter similar problems in the field of internal communication: colleagues at construction sites are more difficult to reach than office staff. They do not work at a computer and they often don't have a work email address either. Heembouw ran into this issue, but managed to connect the entire company with Plek.

  • Launched in April 2017, currently 89% active users
  • 79% posted a comment, 51% posted a message
  • Accessible for everyone because of the strong mobile apps for Android and iPhone
  • Festive launch led to instant success

Real men rather than hipsters

You won't find vlogging hipsters, a large communication department or a team of community managers. What you will find are a lot of men (and a few women) working at construction sites. In an attempt to reach out to everyone, communication at construction sites often took place via the distribution of printed newsletters and other printed media at the coffee machine. But did anyone really read this? Hard to say.


Accesible and intuitive

Heembouw wanted to connect and engage the entire workforce on a modern platform where everyone feels at home. So besides top-down, it should incorporate a social element. Heembouw opted for Plek: a low-threshold and intuitive platform that instantly feels right to everyone, whether they're an engineer, a carpenter or a director. The strong mobile apps for Android and iPhone ensure that everyone always has access. The apps invite colleagues to actively share knowledge within the organization. In addition to your typical HR announcements and company news, colleagues are now proudly sharing photos of their projects. Without any intervention of the marketing department! It took some getting used to, but whoever tries it is easily convinced and remains actively involved.

“It's great to see that colleagues are sharing so actively on Plek. Progress of projects, questions to colleagues, events, success stories, innovations, vacancies, even the birth of children - it's all on there. Plek really helps to engage and connect everyone at Heembouw." Björn Bouwmeester, Online Marketing- and Communication Specialist at Heembouw


Building a connection

Plek's success at Heembouw is not only based on a good product: the launch strategy and the enthusiastic community management certainly helped. For example, the 'birth of Plek' at Heembouw's was celebrated with a Dutch tradition: 'beschuit met muisjes'. This was part of a big festive launch, which also included a highly visible ambassador group with recognizable t-shirts. The ambassadors still have their own group on Plek to discuss ways to continue building connections with Plek.


Exceptional adoption rate

In less than a year after the launch almost 90% of Heembouw's employees have become active on Plek. Half of them post messages themselves, which on average generate eight likes and one and a half comments each. The cornerstones of this success: a low-threshold tool, a successful launch campaign and a good activation.

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