The most complete social intranet with the best app

Increase connection, engagement, and productivity. Improve targeted employee experience and communication.
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02. Solutions - Social Intranet - Accessible for everyone (1)

All-in-one: connected, engaged, and productive

A successful social intranet serves multiple purposes and often has multiple "owners." With Plek, you can strengthen the goals of management, HR, communication, and IT.

Complete and purposefully expandable
Plek's social intranet is very complete and expandable, so you can support all types of communication, operational productivity, and the entire employee experience to achieve your organizational goals.

Bring together what belongs together, seamlessly
You often see it: a separate application for each goal. With Plek, you combine your social intranet with, for example, onboarding, feedback, knowledge management, community, strategic dialogue, and compliance. Seamless, in one environment.

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Connect all employees with the Plek app

Plek Social Intranet fits in your pocket
Reach and connect everyone with one app. On the construction site, at the bedside, in the factory, in the office, at home, and on the go. Everyone chooses how and when they want to be connected. In the mobile app Plek, you will find all the possibilities of the social intranet (and more), so even people without a desk have direct access to each other and all relevant updates and information.

One app with all relevant content and depth
With the Plek app, you support operational productivity with all relevant content from the intranet. And you support the complete employee experience, with depth, for example, personalized onboarding, ongoing dialogue, and feedback.

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03. Homepage - Connect with every individual (1)

Choose what you want to bring together in one logical place

03. NL Solutions - Employee app_ Drive your connectedness-1-1

From intranet to employee experience

Plek helps leadership, communication, and HR connect around a complete and meaningful experience for all employees: from purpose, to engagement, collaboration, and productivity.

From fragmentation to one experience

All too often, that experience is fragmented. Employees want convenience linked to relevance rather than a complex multitude of apps and sources.

With our modular solutions, you orchestrate the optimal employee experience. You improve communication, knowledge sharing, collaboration, dialogue, onboarding, employee engagement, and productivity. All at a pace and rhythm that suits you best.

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Combine all types of communication

With Plek social intranet, you bring communication streams together to strengthen each other. Plek supports most types of communication: communication within and between teams, top-down communication, updates, and "news," 1-on-1 chat, feedback, and ongoing dialogue. And as an employee, you get direct focus on what is relevant to you: personalized and without overload.

04. NL Solutions - Employee app_ There is a Plek for everyone
04. Oplossingen - Onboarding - Inzicht in verwachtingen

Create a culture of trust and openness

A good intranet proves that things are right in an organization. That gives trust, in the organization, the vision, and in the culture. Trust in the updates you get, the information you find, trust that something is happening with your feedback. And trust is the basis for engagement and productivity. If you set up a social intranet well and use it together well, you lay the foundation for trust.

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Combine openness and confidentiality: with clear layers in your social intranet

With Plek, you can easily determine layers of access. This way, you combine openness, shielding for fragile new ideas, and confidentiality or complete confidentiality where necessary.

Open or closed, confidential or even public?

Do you want new project groups, who want to keep their fragile ideas among themselves, to remain closed? Do you want the group with all the managers to be open or closed? Do you want to keep former employees informed in their own alumni environment? Do you want a public part from which colleagues can share directly on social media - employee advocacy? A community with stakeholders by invitation? An invisible group for collaboration around a confidential acquisition? All of this can be arranged without a complicated "permission matrix".

Flexible shield

Do you also want to give access to freelancers and the flexible shell, but not to everything? This can be arranged.

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04. Oplossingen - Community - Gelaagde toegang, ook voor externe stakeholders
05. NL Solutions - Social Intranet - Sturen en verbeteren op basis van data _ rijke inzichten

Guide and improve based on data & insights

With Plek Social Intranet, you can improve impact, reach, and effectiveness with clear statistics & analytics. This gives you more control over communication, clear insight into the effectiveness of onboarding, and data-driven insights from continuous dialogue and feedback. This way, you know what is going on so you can respond accordingly.

Plek Social Intranet is future-proof: very complete, flexible, expandable, and linkable.

Easily integrate and increase productivity

Plek Social Intranet seamlessly integrates with more than 750 different types of tools, apps, and software. Plek offers direct links to, for example, Microsoft 365, Google, AFAS, Visma, HR systems, and payroll administration.

Through Zapier, you can exchange information between your Plek intranet and hundreds of applications. Plek provides an overview because you can bring messages from multiple tools together in one group or in the app. This increases productivity.

With the Plek API, you can also link Plek to your own website and systems.

Ready-made integrations

You can link your Plek social intranet directly with, for example, Microsoft 365, Active Directory (all versions), Google, AFAS, Visma, HR systems, and payroll administration.

Link applications and automate tasks

Through Zapier, you can exchange information between your Plek intranet and hundreds of applications. In Plek and in the app, you can see updates and data from multiple tools. This provides an overview and increases productivity.

06. Oplossingen - Community - Moderne technologie als basis
03. Solutions - Social Intranet - seamless integration (1) (1)

Complete Microsoft 365 with Plek

Of course, your organization has a broader application landscape, probably with Microsoft as an important core. So why would you need another platform or app?

Simpler, also for employees without a desk

Many organizations supplement Microsoft 365 and Sharepoint with Plek to make life easier for users. And to reach people without a desk: with one simple application and app, instead of many. People without a desk often don't even enter Teams, but they do come to Plek.

Human-centered in a complete employee experience

Provide employees with a clear, personal experience. With onboarding, the activity manager, feedback, and continuous dialogue.

Do you want to know more about how organizations complement Microsoft 365 with Plek? Read it here.


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Information security and privacy are inherent at Plek

We developed Plek Social Intranet with security and privacy "by design" from the start, while making it easy for users. Plek supports users to be aware of security when sharing information. Of course, Plek is ISO27001 certified, with BIR/BIO for the Dutch and European government. Plek fully complies with GDPR and does not process data outside of Europe. Read more about Plek's information security.

04. NL Homepage - Design the best employee experience

This makes Plek's social intranet unique

Highly comprehensive and expandable

Avoid app fragmentation, from onboarding to team communication and compliance.

Secure chat

Replace WhatsApp, chat securely and keep track of who is in your groups.


Make it relevant and prevent overload: what you need, no more, no less.

Branded apps

Use the standard Plek app or publish your own branded app in the app stores.

Mobile, laptop, desktop

More than just an app: Plek also seamlessly works on your laptop and work computer.

SSO and Microsoft 365

Secure login and access to relevant documents. In one simple app.

Plek Social Intranet is easy to manage. Also for non-technical employees.

03. Oplossingen - Onboarding - Grip op waar het echt

Targeted approach and smoothly live with the Plek approach

With the proven Plek approach for social intranet, you can quickly and purposefully get started: with the Plek team, one of our partners, or by yourself. You can go live very quickly with a good foundation and then activate and expand step by step.

Smoothly from goals to tailored approach

Determine your goals and decide what you want to offer your employees and what communication and processes you want to support with your social intranet, other Plek modules, and the app. What content, roles, agreements, and onboarding belong to that? How does it fit in with existing plans? How do you want to activate and what do you want to automate?

Templates and ready-made content

For specific purposes, we offer a targeted approach and templates, for example for onboarding and knowledge management. And ready-made content for a quick start: from information pages to compliance programs and from onboarding modules to dialogues about employee engagement.

Curious about the possibilities for your organization?

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