Plek Academie

Make learning accessible and social with Plek.
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Social learning for everybody

The Plek Academy is the place where the entire learning offer of the organisation comes together; where you follow learning trajectories together; and where you share what you have learned with the organisation. Plek is complementary to learning management systems and makes learning social.

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A central place for your learning offer

In many organisations the (online) learning offer is fragmented, with different LMS, training agencies and programs. The Plek Academy offers everyone a centralised place where you can find all learning opportunities. Courses have a start date, registration option and, if desired, a fixed maximum number of participants.

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Social learning

Many online learning tos within organisations are individual. That is a pity, because learning together is much more effective: you help and motivate each other and together you discuss how you can apply what you have learned in your own organisation. In the Plek Academy you bring people together per course or subject. There you let them set goals in different steps and learn and reflect together. Participants can share their new knowledge directly with the rest of the organisation.


Learning on Plek

You can also create learning programs within Plek, which can contain all kinds of content and media, such as texts, videos, questionnaires, information pages and documents. You create steps that students go through, if desired with a final test. Answers and reflections can then be automatically shared in the learning group. This way you can also bring together external learning trajectories in programs.



GroenLinks brings people together via the Plek Academy. The Dutch political party had already discovered that a social intranet can increase political clout by offering hundreds of councilors and aldermen and many volunteers across the country a central platform. Find out how they use the Plek Academy to stimulate and encourage learning!

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Curious about the possibilities?

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