

Connection between all healthcare domains

Rivas transforms internal communication and onboarding for >6000 employees with Plek 

Rivas Zorggroep, a leading healthcare organization in the Netherlands, is committed to the well-being of people with more than 6000 employees. Rivas provides high-quality care services such as hospital care, district nursing, long-term care and rehabilitation care. They do this through an extensive network, offering more than 150 types of care. In this case study, read more about how they went from fragmentation to connection, and how they reduced their enterprise-wide maintenance and licensing costs by more than 40%. 

"Plek at Rivas is not just a platform of communication, but really a platform of all employees."
Jiska Wemmenhove

Communications Advisor

Challenges and objectives

Rivas management noticed that it was becoming increasingly difficult to reach and connect employees across care domains. The scale on which Rivas operates is large: there are more than 6000 employees and volunteers working on a daily basis, and they provide more than 150+ different care services. As Rivas continued to grow, fragmentation was slowly occurring - compounded by the fact that Rivas' current systems were quite outdated. 

rivas plek trialThe news- and communication platform was outdated and fragmented across multiple separate apps. This did not make communication between them any easier, and it also became a problem for the onboarding of new employees.

In short: unpleasant for the user, inconvenient for the organization and unnecessarily expensive. Rivas sat down with Plek to discuss what an improvement project could look like. Beforehand, they looked at what the three biggest areas for improvement were.

The three result areas Rivas marked in advance as priorities were:
  • News platform; a platform that takes into account the bigger picture (to collaborate, and in daily work);
  • Collaboration among themselves;
  • Workplace; focusing on primary process and working more efficiently (daily work, using personal dashboard).


Renewed internal communication

Rivas started Plek with the initial goal of being able to offer all organizational information in one central place, or Plek as a platform to share news and spread updates within the organization. Rivas already had an existing news portal for their internal communications, only this platform was severely outdated and did not offer enough possibilities to connect between the different care domains. This led to it hardly being used for what it was intended.
03. NL Solutions - Employee app_ Drive your connectedness
With Plek's technology, this changed. Instead of multiple separate applications, Plek became the central source of information, bundling all information on one platform. Plek also became the starting portal towards other applications. 
For the launch of Plek within Rivas, groups were created for news per domain and for team communication. Rivas started the rollout with the 'district nursing' group, and quickly noticed that it was well received. Based on this success, it was soon decided to introduce the new news platform throughout the organization.  

Results and benefits

Plek as a complete onboarding and connectivity solution  

Meanwhile, Plek has evolved from a news- and communication platform to a comprehensive onboarding and connection solution. Integrated with AFAS (the HR system), Plek now also offers 'pre-boarding' to new Rivas employees, providing them with early access and information prior to their first day at work. 

SMART NL overview priorities (1)By integrating onboarding within the internal communication platform, new employees have an optimal start in their new job and can also quickly find their way around.  

Wondering how to guide your employees through important processes like employee onboarding?  Check out Plek's employee journeys

Not only does this result in better onboarding; it also results in significant cost savings financially. Centralizing onboarding and communication within a single platform has eliminated the need for multiple separate applications, reducing overall company-wide maintenance and licensing costs by more than 40%. The separate onboarding app is no longer needed because it is now integrated into one, resulting in a streamlined IT environment.  
The shift from separate apps to Plek as a comprehensive solution has not only increased efficiency but also strengthened the company culture. Rivas has now got the hang of it, and in the near future they also want to investigate how they can increase employee satisfaction using Plek.  


Rivas wanted a new platform for internal communication, and to help employees connect better. They wanted to start with a group of employees (a specific district of nurses), but due to success they quickly expanded to a roll-out for all employees within Rivas. The news platform is a first step in the new digital workplace of the employees; with a personalised login page to support collaboration and daily work. 
Plek at Rivas not only led to improved internal communication and closer collaboration, but also transformed the onboarding process. From initially a simple news platform, Plek grew to become the beating heart of knowledge sharing and social interaction within the organization. With this progressive approach, Rivas Zorggroep continues to push the boundaries in creating expert and future-oriented care. 
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